If you feel you’re doing invisible work, it may make professional growth or asking for a promotion or raise challenging. But it doesn’t have to be that way. By following a few key steps, you can shift the spotlight onto your accomplishments and position yourself for advancement in your career.
As a mid-senior or senior-level professional, it’s crucial to define your vision of success. Are you contemplating seeking a promotion within your current organization? Do you aspire to transition to a role with different responsibilities, or are you considering pursuing opportunities with a new company? Understanding your career goals is pivotal in strategizing how your current position can serve as a stepping stone toward your objectives.
Similarly, professionals at that level often encounter diverse challenges and responsibilities. If you have the autonomy to select your assignments, carefully assess whether a specific task aligns with your career trajectory. In general, people are often asked to do the same things they have done before. This shows how important it is to choose tasks that help you grow as a professional.
It may sound obvious, but invisible work often stays that way simply because no one knows about it. You can change this by tracking some of your accomplishments and using them to give your direct report and teammates a window into what you do for the organization. What you track will vary depending on the exact type of work you do. In particular, try to emphasize the kind of work that can be tied directly to the company’s bottom line and/or the kind of work you’d like to be doing more of.
For mid-to senior-level professionals, quantifying your work is even more important. It helps you become a leader and a strategic asset to the company. If you’re in a management role, track how well your team is doing. This includes meeting or beating key performance indicators (KPIs), reducing turnover rates, or making the team more productive. If you’re in a strategic role, measure the impact of your initiatives on company goals, such as revenue growth, cost savings, or market expansion. By regularly reporting these metrics to your direct reports and senior leadership, you not only showcase your contributions but also position yourself as a data-driven leader. This visibility can be crucial when advocating for a promotion or a higher compensation package, as it provides concrete evidence of your value and impact.
In today’s competitive professional landscape, building a strong network and establishing a well-defined personal brand are crucial for career advancement. Begin by actively engaging with colleagues across various departments and levels within your organization. Attend company events, participate in cross-functional projects, and volunteer for leadership roles in internal committees or task forces. These actions not only broaden your perspective but also significantly increase your visibility.
Additionally, leverage online platforms to showcase your expertise and connect with industry professionals. Regularly update your LinkedIn profile, share insightful content, and engage with posts from others in your field. By doing so, you can build a robust online presence that complements your in-person networking efforts.
Remember, a strong personal brand is built over time through consistent and intentional efforts. By actively participating in both offline and online networking opportunities, you can enhance your career prospects and position yourself as a valuable asset within your industry.
Ultimately, you don’t need to settle for letting your work be invisible. Identify your goals, quantify your work, and build your network and personal brand to ensure you give yourself the opportunity to be recognized and considered for promotion.
Finally, don’t hesitate to seek feedback and mentorship. Regularly check in with your manager and mentors to discuss your progress and areas for improvement. Their insights can provide valuable guidance and help you stay on track toward your career goals.
By taking these steps, you can transform your work from invisible to earning a promotion, ensuring that your contributions are recognized and valued, and paving the way for a successful and fulfilling career.
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